Saturday, October 4, 2014

Naptime Rocket Science

Any mom out there knows the struggle of getting your kids to go to sleep either at night or for a nap.
And, every kid is different.

For example, my 8 year old is easy.
He could fall asleep standing up. When he's tired, no noise can stop him from sleeping and he sleeps in the strangest ways. He's usually the first to fall asleep- unless the TV is on. Then, he will watch it all night in a zombie like stare where no one is sure if he's awake or sleeping with his eyes open. I think it's the latter, honestly.
He also plays video games and walks in his sleep from time to time. A true enigma. No idea how he does it. 
Actually, he is exactly like his father in that sense, who, when we were in college, played and beat a game in his sleep and woke up not remembering any of it. Good times.

My 4 year old will do battle before bedtime or a nap, but, once he's tired enough, he will fall asleep, even if there's a rock concert going on. 
He will also fight in his sleep. His little legs are always running, kicking, and squirming in his sleep. He's been known to throw punches and also talks while "sound asleep".
This is another sleeping trait acquired from his father, who I still, to this day, have to have spider sense to block blows if my hubby is having a very physical dream. He never remembers anything and thinks I'm a total fibber, go figure.

Now, my 4 month old. He is rocket science.
My other two, when babies, would easily cry themselves to sleep and after 10 minutes would be out for their normal time.
This one, will cry for 20 minutes, pass out for 10, wake back up and cry again for 20, and so on.
However, if I work my mommy magic (which took forever to figure out), I can get him to go to sleep "properly" (which means stay asleep like he's supposed to).
Here is the process:
1) Get in bed with hoppy, blankets, bottle, paci, and tether.
2) Get him snuggled in blankets, in my arms, with boppy.
3) Start sleep cycle: bottle, paci, tether, finger chewing, bottle, paci, bottle, nothing, bottle, falling asleep, hurry and sneak paci in place of bottle before he notices, he notices and wants bottle back, falls asleep, paci switch, spits out paci, and he's snoring (which means he's finally good and asleep.
4) DONT. MOVE. For about 15 minutes to make sure he's out.
5) Transition to putting him down (which may or may not involve the paci to make him think I'm still holding him so he doesn't wake up) and quietly exit the room.

Whew! Exhausting. He's the most difficult kid so far. Good thing I'm home to take care of him! Lol.

I know I'm not the only mom (or dad) who has needed some crazy routine to get the kiddo to sleep.
I'd love to hear your "Naptime Rocket Science"