Thursday, September 18, 2014

He said what? Phone? Haha!

So, this was a conversation I had with my 8 year old today (code name "D" for this convo).

D: I need a phone
Me (after I finally stopped laughing): Oh yeah? Why?
D: So I can see them call my number in the pickup line.
Me: Uh, that's for the teachers. You wouldn't be able to do that. Kid phones are just for making for phone calls. No apps. No games. No internet. Just a phone.
D: Awe man. Ok. Fine. I still want a phone.
Me: Who are you going to call?
D: You, of course (how silly of me lol)
Me: But, you're either at school or with me.
D: I could call you at school.
Me: No. Phones are against the rules. Remember we signed the paper when school started?
D: Oh. Dang it.
Me: Who's going to pay for it? Do you have $100 for a phone and $50 a month for the phone?
: I can use my tooth fairy money!
Me: You can't lose teeth every month to pay for it. $50 every month.
D: Then, when can I get a phone.
Me: When you get a job and can pay for it.
D: Ok. 13. I'll start working at 13, when the laws say I can.
Me: Uh, ok buddy.

He knows the laws since we had a conversation a while back about him wanting to work so I could stay at home (back before I was a SAHM).

I am encouraged that he is willing to work. 
I'm glad I am working on teaching him responsibility and being wise with his money.
He doesn't need to know that I couldn't afford a phone for him since I am a SAHM.
He doesn't need to know that I could probably add a phone for him cheaper. I'm giving him realistic numbers that will probably be accurate for when he is old enough to get a phone.

I also do not want to give my kid a phone at such a young age.
What does he need it for?

I see kids nowadays with cell phones at his age (I'm sure some of his friends have some and that's where this conversation stemmed from). But, I will not be that mom. (My hubby is also refusing to get on the phone bandwagon until he NEEDS it).
Who is he going to call?
Who is he going to text?
What would he need to use the phone for?
Apps? Cost money.
Games? Cost money.
Take pictures? Ok, that's neat, but that uses a lot of space since my son is like a selfie queen when he gets ahold of anything that takes a picture. 
Take videos? Why? What does he need to record?

My hubby and I didn't have cell phones until we were 18. This was because we were moving away from our family and were always on the run.
Yes, I know. Back when I was 18, cell phones weren't what they are now. Thanks. I needed that reminder that I am now older. Thanks.
But, we lived in the country. It just wasn't a NEED.

We rode bikes. 
We walked in creeks.
We went to the park (by ourselves) and played, then came home (by ourselves).
We walked in the woods.
We played games.
We made movies with an old school video camera (that thing was huge- it was hilarious)
We watched very little TV- TV was boring except for Saturday morning cartoons.
We played outside, worked on farms, took care of animals, or whatever we could do to take up our time.
We entertained ourselves and found something to do.
We came home for dinner, played some more, and made sure to be home when it got dark.
How did I tell time? The light in our yard would come on and that's how I knew it was time to go. Or, it was getting dark. Get home.

Kids today (at least in the city) have everything at their fingertips and need constant entertainment and stimulation (thanks technology for that wonderful advancement).
They think that they need every comfort to survive.
They (thankfully) don't understand going without- without food, without TV, without electricity (if your power went out because of a storm it wasn't coming back on for a day or so), with convenience.

Now, granted, I understand that there are children who are not well off out there. 
I get it.
I'm just talking in general.
They have a case of the "NOWS". 
I want it now
Give it to me now.
I'm hungry now.
I'm thirsty now.
Nevermind the fact that they have just done said thing in the last 20 minutes.

But, I am getting way off my original point and off on a tangent.
So, back to my conversation with my son.

As he gets older, I may cave sooner in case he joins after school sports or activities and needs to call me in the case practice/rehearsal/activities are cancelled or something. Then, there is a NEED. 
But, since he is either in the school's hands or my hands and never really anywhere else, then I don't see the point except a unnecessary monthly cost.

Granted, once he is old enough, I will probably pay for it for him and not make him pay for it like I told him today. But, I'm not going to tell him that now. 
He needs to know that he's not getting a phone anytime soon.
What he also needs to understand is that it is a WANT and not a NEED.

What are your opinions on kids having cell phones?
What age do you find appropriate/necessary?

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