Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A Project A Day

So, I try to make sure to accomplish at least one thing a day since I am home all day with my toddler.

There is TONS to do since I have been a career person since I was 15 years old.
My house has lots of organization projects as well as projects I want to do for myself as well.
Some of my future projects include organizing and cleaning my garage, which is full of boxes stacked up from when we moved in. This project will be started once my hubby best home from work. Since the garage is kind of "his domain", he wants to be there to oversee that project. Plus, I think he wants to make sure that I don't horde anything. We are going to go through and throw away a ton of stuff.

It will be nice to get everything organized and things thrown away that are needless clutter taking up space in my house.

I started with my vanity table.
I had all my makeup and nail polish and girly stuff all over the place- in closets, all over the bathroom counters, stacked up in boxes in our room, etc.
So, I got 5 drawer towers at Walmart for $20/ea and a table from Ikea for $25 and made myself a vanity.
I already had a mirror that wasn't being used since moving, so I put that up on the wall so I can use that to see better.
The only thing left is a makeup light (this is my hubby's forte) and a vanity seat. I have been looking for something inexpensive for a seat. No need to spend a lot of money.

Another project I was working on was crochet. Since we have a baby on the way, I wanted to make a baby blanket. But, we don't know what we are having yet. So, I made a pink chevron blanket and also started a blue blanket.

Also, I made a Star Trek Coffee Cozy for fun this week.
For a link of the appliqué I used to make this go here:
I edited the pattern so that it would fit on my cozy, so mine is different than the pattern.

I spend a lot of time in line at the school dropping off and picking up my eldest. Crochet is how I pass the time. I'm sure I look quite silly or like an old lady to all the high school students who walk past my car. But, I see it as a much better use of my time then just sitting there on my phone for an hour.

Other than crochet projects, I need to organize even more in my house. For example, we had mail everywhere. So, I purchased a cardboard file box (2 for $8) and put our important stuff in there. This would have included check stubs, medical paperwork, investment statements, and the like.
I am not sure where I will put the box yet. Probably in the closet.
We have an old file cabinet full of stuff. I need to go through everything and empty out anything that isn't needed anymore to clean out the clutter.

Other projects this week include putting together my medicine "cabinet".
All our medicine and remedy stuff was in boxes and baskets all over as well. It makes it very difficult to find what I need when someone is feeling under the weather.
So, I bought a small 3 drawer tower for $11 at Walmart to put all our medicine in.
Tomorrow, I gather up everything, throw away the expired stuff, and organize it into the bin.

The more projects I accomplish and the more organized I become, the better I feel.
I am excited to see how wonderful my house will become in the next few months!

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